MehelleNeighborhood Rhythms: Ajam Media Collective’s ‘Məhəllə’ Exhibition in BakuPosted on August 13, 2018October 26, 2018byAjam Media Collective5 minute read Share
BlogFeaturedTerrorientalist Landscapes: Arabian Fantasies in the California DesertPosted on July 11, 2018October 24, 2018byAjam Media Collective6 minute read Share
Long FormCyber Rallies and Google Ads: New Strategies of the Turkish Opposition Against ErdoğanPosted on June 20, 2018October 15, 2018byAjam Media Collective9 minute read Share
Long FormRemembering to Forget: the Myth of the “Indian Style” of Persian PoetryPosted on May 30, 2018October 4, 2018byAjam Media Collective14 minute read Share
BlogFeaturedReza Shah’s Mummy, Back from the Dead, Haunts Iranian PoliticsPosted on April 29, 2018August 13, 2018byAjam Media Collective8 minute read Share
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LiteratureLong FormTwo Nations Find a Poet: Fitting Ferdowsi into Iran and Afghanistan’s Literary CanonsPosted on February 11, 2018March 21, 2018byAjam Media Collective12 minute read Share
BlogNo Heaven for Gunga Din, the story of a futuristic Iranian novel from 1965Posted on February 9, 2018December 3, 2020byAjam Media Collective3 minute read Share
FeaturedLong FormThe Politics of Persian Language Education in Colonial IndiaPosted on January 31, 2018December 3, 2020byAjam Media Collective8 minute read Share
BlogNew Arts and New Audiences: Harvard’s “Technologies of the Image: Art in 19th-Century Iran”Posted on December 20, 2017December 3, 2020byAjam Media Collective7 minute read Share